A Simple Belief, A Complex Issue.

We believe that every person and every family deserves the dignity of high-quality legal representation, no matter what their station in life. It’s that simple.

Yet our legal system is not simple—and thousands of people across the Milwaukee area simply can’t afford to hire private counsel to guide them toward justice.

Our clients are already working hard to help themselves. Our mission is to support them during their time of transition, guide them through the complex legal system and empower them to maintain stability, independence and safety.

The need is real, right here in the Milwaukee area.

A recent report found that at least one party in 83% of family court cases in Milwaukee County did not have legal representation.

Intimate partner violence among families living at or below the federal poverty level (FPL) is about four times more likely than among families who live at 400% of the FPL. 

The Bridging the Justice Gap study revealed:

64% of low-come Wisconsin households with children experienced a civil legal issue in the preceding year.

73% of low-income households confronted the legal issue without any assistance from a lawyer. 

The results inspire us to continue.

As a result of participating in our domestic violence program:
100% report they know more about their rights and options in the legal system.
97% feel more confident in their decision-making abilities.
97% report that they can achieve the goals they have set for themselves.

80% of our clients are able to maintain employment by the time their case is resolved.
Each year, we find that this percentage increases, indicating that we have helped stabilize their lives while their legal concern is resolved.

90% of our clients who participated in our diversion and DPA program have not been arrested or convicted for another criminal violation for the last 7 years.

You can help bridge the gap. 

Every contribution to Centro Legal helps us continue this important work – and helps individuals and families move toward self-sufficiency.  Over 80% of our budget is funded by people like you – private individuals, companies, and grants.  Quite simply, we could not do our work without you, and we need your help to continue impacting the lives of those who need help the most in our community.  Please add your support today.
